Keras Core 0.1 : 開発者ガイド : 独自のコールバックを書く (翻訳/解説)
翻訳 : (株)クラスキャット セールスインフォメーション
作成日時 : 07/17/2023 (0.1.0)
* 本ページは、Keras Core の以下のドキュメントを翻訳した上で適宜、補足説明したものです:
- Writing your own callbacks
(Author: Rick Chao, Francois Chollet ; Date created: 2019/03/20 ; Last modified: 2023/06/25)
Description: Complete guide to writing new Keras callbacks.
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Keras Core 0.1 : 開発者ガイド : 独自のコールバックを書く
コールバックは 訓練、評価や推論の間の Keras モデルの動作をカスタマイズするための強力なツールです。サンプルは訓練進捗と結果を TensorBoard で可視化できる keras.callbacks.TensorBoard や、訓練の間にモデルを定期的にセーブする keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint を含みます。
このガイドでは、Keras コールバックが何か、それは何ができるか、そして独自のものをどのように構築できるかを学習します。始めるために単純なコールバック・アプリケーションの幾つかのデモを提供します。
import numpy as np
import keras_core as keras
Using TensorFlow backend
Keras コールバック概要
総てのコールバックは keras.callbacks.Callback クラスをサブクラス化して、そして訓練、テストと予測の様々なステージで呼び出されるメソッドのセットを override します。コールバックは訓練の間のモデルの内部状態と統計上のビューを得るために有用です。
コールバックのリストを (キーワード引数 callbacks として) 以下のモデル・メソッドに渡すことができます :
- keras.Model.evaluate()
- keras.Model.predict()
on_(train|test|predict)_begin(self, logs=None)
fit/evaluate/predict の最初に呼び出されます。
on_(train|test|predict)_end(self, logs=None)
fit/evaluate/predict の最後に呼び出されます。
on_(train|test|predict)_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None)
on_(train|test|predict)_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None)
バッチを訓練/テスト/予測する最後に呼び出されます。このメソッド内では、logs は metrics 結果を含む辞書です。
エポックレベル・メソッド (訓練 only)
on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs=None)
on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None)
具体的なサンプルを見ましょう。始めるために、tensorflow をインポートして単純な Sequential Keras モデルを定義しましょう :
# Define the Keras model to add callbacks to
def get_model():
model = keras.Sequential()
return model
それから訓練とテストのために Keras datasets API から MNIST データをロードします :
# Load example MNIST data and pre-process it
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
x_train = x_train.reshape(-1, 784).astype("float32") / 255.0
x_test = x_test.reshape(-1, 784).astype("float32") / 255.0
# Limit the data to 1000 samples
x_train = x_train[:1000]
y_train = y_train[:1000]
x_test = x_test[:1000]
y_test = y_test[:1000]
次に、以下をログ出力する単純なカスタム・コールバックを定義します :
- fit/evaluate/predict が開始 & 終了する時
- 各エポックが開始 & 終了する時
- 各訓練バッチが開始 & 終了する時
- 各評価 (テスト) バッチが開始 & 終了する時
- 各推論 (予測) バッチが開始 & 終了する時
class CustomCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_train_begin(self, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Starting training; got log keys: {}".format(keys))
def on_train_end(self, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Stop training; got log keys: {}".format(keys))
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Start epoch {} of training; got log keys: {}".format(epoch, keys))
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("End epoch {} of training; got log keys: {}".format(epoch, keys))
def on_test_begin(self, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Start testing; got log keys: {}".format(keys))
def on_test_end(self, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Stop testing; got log keys: {}".format(keys))
def on_predict_begin(self, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Start predicting; got log keys: {}".format(keys))
def on_predict_end(self, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("Stop predicting; got log keys: {}".format(keys))
def on_train_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("...Training: start of batch {}; got log keys: {}".format(batch, keys))
def on_train_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("...Training: end of batch {}; got log keys: {}".format(batch, keys))
def on_test_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("...Evaluating: start of batch {}; got log keys: {}".format(batch, keys))
def on_test_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("...Evaluating: end of batch {}; got log keys: {}".format(batch, keys))
def on_predict_batch_begin(self, batch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("...Predicting: start of batch {}; got log keys: {}".format(batch, keys))
def on_predict_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
keys = list(logs.keys())
print("...Predicting: end of batch {}; got log keys: {}".format(batch, keys))
Let’s try it out:
model = get_model()
res = model.evaluate(
x_test, y_test, batch_size=128, verbose=0, callbacks=[CustomCallback()]
res = model.predict(x_test, batch_size=128, callbacks=[CustomCallback()])
Starting training; got log keys: [] Start epoch 0 of training; got log keys: [] ...Training: start of batch 0; got log keys: [] ...Training: end of batch 0; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Training: start of batch 1; got log keys: [] ...Training: end of batch 1; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Training: start of batch 2; got log keys: [] ...Training: end of batch 2; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Training: start of batch 3; got log keys: [] ...Training: end of batch 3; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] Start testing; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: start of batch 0; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 0; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 1; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 1; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 2; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 2; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 3; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 3; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] Stop testing; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] End epoch 0 of training; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error', 'val_loss', 'val_mean_absolute_error'] Stop training; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error', 'val_loss', 'val_mean_absolute_error'] Start testing; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: start of batch 0; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 0; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 1; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 1; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 2; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 2; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 3; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 3; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 4; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 4; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 5; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 5; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 6; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 6; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] ...Evaluating: start of batch 7; got log keys: [] ...Evaluating: end of batch 7; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] Stop testing; got log keys: ['loss', 'mean_absolute_error'] Start predicting; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: start of batch 0; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 0; got log keys: ['outputs'] 1/8 ━━[37m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 36ms/step...Predicting: start of batch 1; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 1; got log keys: ['outputs'] ...Predicting: start of batch 2; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 2; got log keys: ['outputs'] ...Predicting: start of batch 3; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 3; got log keys: ['outputs'] ...Predicting: start of batch 4; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 4; got log keys: ['outputs'] ...Predicting: start of batch 5; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 5; got log keys: ['outputs'] ...Predicting: start of batch 6; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 6; got log keys: ['outputs'] ...Predicting: start of batch 7; got log keys: [] ...Predicting: end of batch 7; got log keys: ['outputs'] Stop predicting; got log keys: [] 8/8 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 0s 3ms/step
logs 辞書の使用方法
logs 辞書はバッチやエポックの最後の損失値と総てのメトリクスを含みます。サンプルは損失と平均絶対誤差 (MAE) を含みます。
class LossAndErrorPrintingCallback(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_train_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
"Up to batch {}, the average loss is {:7.2f}.".format(batch, logs["loss"])
def on_test_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):
"Up to batch {}, the average loss is {:7.2f}.".format(batch, logs["loss"])
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
"The average loss for epoch {} is {:7.2f} "
"and mean absolute error is {:7.2f}.".format(
epoch, logs["loss"], logs["mean_absolute_error"]
model = get_model()
res = model.evaluate(
Up to batch 0, the average loss is 33.48. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 466.14. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 318.55. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 241.21. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 194.39. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 163.04. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 140.47. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 123.61. The average loss for epoch 0 is 123.61 and mean absolute error is 5.94. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 4.82. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 5.23. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 4.90. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 4.81. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 4.85. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 4.92. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 4.86. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 4.71. The average loss for epoch 1 is 4.71 and mean absolute error is 1.74. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 4.84. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 4.55. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 4.53. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 4.46. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 4.57. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 4.54. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 4.46. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 4.40.
self.model 属性の使用方法
これらのメソッドの一つが呼び出されるとき、ログ情報を受け取ることに加えて、コールバックは訓練/評価/推論の現在のラウンドに関連するモデルへのアクセスを持ちます : self.model です。
コールバック内で self.model で行なうことができることの幾つかがあります :
- 訓練を直ちに中断するために self.model.stop_training = True を設定します。
- self.model.optimizer.learning_rate のような、(self.model.optimizer として利用可能な) optimizer のハイパーパラメータを変化させます。
- 定期的な間隔でモデルをセーブします。
- 訓練の間の正当性チェックとして使用するため、各エポックの最後で幾つかのテストサンプル上 model.predict() の出力を記録します。
- 時間につれてモデルが何を学習しているか監視するため、各エポックの最後に中間特徴の可視化を抽出します。
- 等々。
これを 2, 3 のサンプルで実際に見ましょう。
Keras コールバック・アプリケーションのサンプル
最小損失における Early Stopping
最初の例はコールバックの作成を示します、これは損失の最小に達したとき、属性 self.model.stop_training (boolean) を設定することにより訓練を停止します。オプションで、局所的な最小に達した後で停止する前に幾つのエポックを待つべきかを指定するための引数 patience を供給できます。
keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping はより完全で一般的な実装を提供します。
class EarlyStoppingAtMinLoss(keras.callbacks.Callback):
"""Stop training when the loss is at its min, i.e. the loss stops decreasing.
patience: Number of epochs to wait after min has been hit. After this
number of no improvement, training stops.
def __init__(self, patience=0):
self.patience = patience
# best_weights to store the weights at which the minimum loss occurs.
self.best_weights = None
def on_train_begin(self, logs=None):
# The number of epoch it has waited when loss is no longer minimum.
self.wait = 0
# The epoch the training stops at.
self.stopped_epoch = 0
# Initialize the best as infinity. = np.Inf
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):
current = logs.get("loss")
if np.less(current, = current
self.wait = 0
# Record the best weights if current results is better (less).
self.best_weights = self.model.get_weights()
self.wait += 1
if self.wait >= self.patience:
self.stopped_epoch = epoch
self.model.stop_training = True
print("Restoring model weights from the end of the best epoch.")
def on_train_end(self, logs=None):
if self.stopped_epoch > 0:
print(f"Epoch {self.stopped_epoch + 1}: early stopping")
model = get_model()
callbacks=[LossAndErrorPrintingCallback(), EarlyStoppingAtMinLoss()],
Up to batch 0, the average loss is 26.59. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 499.28. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 344.22. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 260.05. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 209.62. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 175.54. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 151.26. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 133.00. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 118.77. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 107.52. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 98.29. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 90.49. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 83.88. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 78.21. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 73.27. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 68.84. The average loss for epoch 0 is 68.84 and mean absolute error is 3.96. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.25. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 3.54. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 3.44. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 3.76. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 4.03. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 5.05. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 7.64. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 13.50. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 25.10. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 35.96. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 40.17. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 38.74. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 36.79. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 34.97. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 33.31. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 31.61. The average loss for epoch 1 is 31.61 and mean absolute error is 4.14. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 6.76. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 6.35. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 7.28. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 11.00. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 15.26. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 17.59. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 20.06. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 21.12. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 22.65. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 25.84. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 28.86. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 30.41. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 31.02. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 31.43. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 31.11. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 30.72. The average loss for epoch 2 is 30.72 and mean absolute error is 4.80. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 27.88. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 24.97. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 21.35. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 19.31. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 18.35. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 18.01. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 19.03. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 21.70. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 25.97. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 30.15. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 32.60. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 34.73. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 35.49. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 35.09. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 34.38. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 33.64. The average loss for epoch 3 is 33.64 and mean absolute error is 5.05. Restoring model weights from the end of the best epoch. Epoch 4: early stopping <keras_core.src.callbacks.history.History at 0x16c79ded0>
この例では、カスタム・コールバックが訓練の過程において optimizer の学習率を動的に変更するためにどのように使用できるかを示しています。
より一般的な実装については callbacks.LearningRateScheduler をご覧ください。
class CustomLearningRateScheduler(keras.callbacks.Callback):
"""Learning rate scheduler which sets the learning rate according to schedule.
schedule: a function that takes an epoch index
(integer, indexed from 0) and current learning rate
as inputs and returns a new learning rate as output (float).
def __init__(self, schedule):
self.schedule = schedule
def on_epoch_begin(self, epoch, logs=None):
if not hasattr(self.model.optimizer, "learning_rate"):
raise ValueError('Optimizer must have a "learning_rate" attribute.')
# Get the current learning rate from model's optimizer.
lr = self.model.optimizer.learning_rate
# Call schedule function to get the scheduled learning rate.
scheduled_lr = self.schedule(epoch, lr)
# Set the value back to the optimizer before this epoch starts
self.model.optimizer.learning_rate = scheduled_lr
print(f"\nEpoch {epoch}: Learning rate is {float(np.array(scheduled_lr))}.")
# (epoch to start, learning rate) tuples
(3, 0.05),
(6, 0.01),
(9, 0.005),
(12, 0.001),
def lr_schedule(epoch, lr):
"""Helper function to retrieve the scheduled learning rate based on epoch."""
if epoch < LR_SCHEDULE[0][0] or epoch > LR_SCHEDULE[-1][0]:
return lr
for i in range(len(LR_SCHEDULE)):
if epoch == LR_SCHEDULE[i][0]:
return LR_SCHEDULE[i][1]
return lr
model = get_model()
Epoch 0: Learning rate is 0.10000000149011612. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 23.52. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 420.81. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 288.41. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 218.74. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 176.27. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 148.04. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 127.75. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 112.55. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 100.66. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 91.02. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 83.14. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 76.86. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 71.88. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 67.90. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 65.49. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 64.70. The average loss for epoch 0 is 64.70 and mean absolute error is 4.47. Epoch 1: Learning rate is 0.10000000149011612. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 38.88. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 37.12. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 38.05. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 42.01. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 41.40. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 37.24. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 33.52. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 30.67. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 28.53. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 27.19. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 26.16. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 25.73. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 25.83. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 27.42. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 30.41. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 33.43. The average loss for epoch 1 is 33.43 and mean absolute error is 4.92. Epoch 2: Learning rate is 0.10000000149011612. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 49.76. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 34.67. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 27.66. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 22.61. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 19.57. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 17.36. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 16.26. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 16.09. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 17.32. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 21.83. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 26.74. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 30.42. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 31.12. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 30.43. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 29.68. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 28.90. The average loss for epoch 2 is 28.90 and mean absolute error is 4.42. Epoch 3: Learning rate is 0.05. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 23.39. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 14.21. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 10.66. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 8.70. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 7.49. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 7.02. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 6.53. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 6.26. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 5.98. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 5.69. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 5.43. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 5.19. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 5.05. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 4.93. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 4.91. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 4.82. The average loss for epoch 3 is 4.82 and mean absolute error is 1.65. Epoch 4: Learning rate is 0.05000000074505806. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 2.08. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 3.01. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 3.54. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 4.26. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 5.16. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 6.44. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 7.52. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 8.42. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 8.88. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 9.54. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 10.30. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 10.46. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 10.34. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 10.14. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 9.89. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 9.68. The average loss for epoch 4 is 9.68 and mean absolute error is 2.56. Epoch 5: Learning rate is 0.05000000074505806. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 5.41. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 5.36. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 5.97. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 6.72. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 7.56. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 8.67. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 9.58. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 10.40. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 10.62. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 10.22. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 9.63. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 9.40. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 9.43. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 9.83. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 10.75. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 11.05. The average loss for epoch 5 is 11.05 and mean absolute error is 2.75. Epoch 6: Learning rate is 0.01. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 7.07. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 6.06. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 5.31. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 4.69. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 4.44. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 4.29. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 4.06. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 3.94. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 3.88. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 3.77. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 3.61. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 3.62. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 3.54. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 3.56. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 3.58. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 3.47. The average loss for epoch 6 is 3.47 and mean absolute error is 1.43. Epoch 7: Learning rate is 0.009999999776482582. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.26. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 3.40. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 3.50. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 3.38. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 3.47. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 3.36. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 3.36. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 3.31. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 3.19. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 3.18. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 3.18. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 3.16. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 3.10. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 3.06. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.99. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.90. The average loss for epoch 7 is 2.90 and mean absolute error is 1.30. Epoch 8: Learning rate is 0.009999999776482582. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.65. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 3.04. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 3.05. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 3.06. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.93. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.87. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.81. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.90. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.88. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.95. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.96. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.90. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.95. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 3.01. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.97. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.94. Epoch 9: Learning rate is 0.005. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.17. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 3.22. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 3.00. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 2.87. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.89. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.84. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.78. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.85. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.77. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.78. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.74. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.72. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.70. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 2.68. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.72. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.83. The average loss for epoch 9 is 2.83 and mean absolute error is 1.28. Epoch 10: Learning rate is 0.004999999888241291. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 2.72. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 2.64. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 2.72. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 2.67. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.62. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.60. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.60. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.65. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.59. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.59. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.58. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.62. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.65. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 2.71. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.77. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.80. The average loss for epoch 10 is 2.80 and mean absolute error is 1.27. Epoch 11: Learning rate is 0.004999999888241291. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.07. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 2.79. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.81. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.64. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.62. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.67. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.68. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.83. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.77. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 2.82. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.76. The average loss for epoch 11 is 2.76 and mean absolute error is 1.27. Epoch 12: Learning rate is 0.001. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.08. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 2.42. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 2.42. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 2.34. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.60. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.56. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.54. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.59. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.65. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.76. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.71. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.76. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.79. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 2.71. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.64. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.64. The average loss for epoch 12 is 2.64 and mean absolute error is 1.23. Epoch 13: Learning rate is 0.0010000000474974513. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 1.69. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 2.27. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 2.48. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 2.42. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.48. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.57. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.48. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.55. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.63. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.68. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.68. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.66. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.61. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 2.64. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.62. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.60. The average loss for epoch 13 is 2.60 and mean absolute error is 1.23. Epoch 14: Learning rate is 0.0010000000474974513. Up to batch 0, the average loss is 3.36. Up to batch 1, the average loss is 2.91. Up to batch 2, the average loss is 2.76. Up to batch 3, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 4, the average loss is 2.81. Up to batch 5, the average loss is 2.82. Up to batch 6, the average loss is 2.80. Up to batch 7, the average loss is 2.76. Up to batch 8, the average loss is 2.79. Up to batch 9, the average loss is 2.65. Up to batch 10, the average loss is 2.67. Up to batch 11, the average loss is 2.62. Up to batch 12, the average loss is 2.63. Up to batch 13, the average loss is 2.61. Up to batch 14, the average loss is 2.58. Up to batch 15, the average loss is 2.62. The average loss for epoch 14 is 2.62 and mean absolute error is 1.23. <keras_core.src.callbacks.history.History at 0x16c1ed300>
組込み Keras コールバック
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